The image displays a certificate from the International Compliance Association awarded to Fahad AlHarbi. The certificate acknowledges Fahad AlHarbi's successful completion of the requirements for the ICA Certificate in Anti Money Laundering, certifying his expertise and knowledge in the field. The certificate features the ICA logo prominently at the top and the text is clearly formatted for official recognition.

ICA Anti-Money Laundering Certification: Elevate Your Career in Compliance


The International Compliance Association (ICA) is the world’s premier provider of professionally certified qualifications related to the prevention of money laundering. It offers training, qualifications, and expertise in the areas of compliance, risk, governance, and fiduciary crime.

Joining the global membership of ICA shows that you are committed to the most exemplary standards of conduct and practice; membership bolsters your professional standing, makes you more employable, and will facilitate and improve high-performance in your organization.

Preventing Financial Crime

Gain in-depth knowledge of how global financial crime works and the main threats, and put strategies in place to mitigate its impact on your organization.

ICA Financial Crime Prevention Qualifications

Those who already work in preventing financial crime are fully cognizant of the beneficial effect of training to prevent financial crime, provided this is properly regulated. Every person in an organization, from the highest of the lowest, can play a part in fighting financial crime and ensuring their company’s reputation remains unblemished. It is essential that each operative is provided with comprehensive training and equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their duties. ICA’s courses provide an ideal mechanism through which this can be achieved.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Optimize your professional skills, understanding, and knowledge to become an expert in compliance.

ICA Compliance Qualifications

Compliance professionals are fully aware of the need for well-regulated compliance training. Everyone in your company has a part of play in ensuring your firm is compliant; ICA courses will ensure that all members of staff are fully equipped to do this.

Anti-Money Laundering and CDD

Discover what is regarded as the very best practice so that you will be equipped to identify and root out money laundering, both now and in the future.

ICA Anti-Money Laundering Qualifications

Those who work at the cutting edge of preventing money laundering are fully aware of the need for well-regulated training for all staff, no matter what their position is within an organization; everyone has a part to play in making sure your company’s reputation is undamaged and that you don’t unwittingly become involved in criminal activity. ICA’s courses will ensure that your whole organization is ready to fight this ever-increasing crime.

ICA Certificate in Anti-Money Laundering – Cert(AML)


The ICA Certificate in Anti-Money Laundering offers an excellent grounding in how money laundering can be fought and offers an excellent springboard for extended studies in the area.

This course is run, and awards made, in a partnership with Allianz Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester.

Who should take this course?

  • Employees who work directly in anti-money laundering areas
  • All employees in financial institutions who want to learn about money laundering
  • Any person who intends to progress to a career in anti-money laundering or prevention of fraud

What areas are covered?

  • Sanctions, terrorist financing, and money laundering
  • How financial organizations are vulnerable to terrorist financing and money laundering
  • Practical ways of fighting terrorist financing and money laundering
  • The laws and regulations surrounding money laundering and terrorist financing
  • Money laundering and terrorist financing, management obligations and risk-based approaches

Sanctions, terrorist financing, and money laundering

What money laundering involves:

  • Why does money laundering take place?
  • How do people launder money?
  • What sort of crime uses money laundering?

What types of property can be used in money laundering?

Terrorist financing

  • What does terrorist financing involve?
  • What is the difference between terrorist financing and money laundering?


  • Why are sanctions important?
  • What are the best sanctions lists?

How are financial institutions vulnerable to money laundering and terrorist financing?

  • What opens financial services up to vulnerabilities with money laundering and terrorist financing
  • How new technologies and new payment methods are being used

Practical Ways of Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

How to identify money laundering and activities around terrorist financing

Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

  • Simplified Due Diligence
  • Enhanced Due Diligence
  • Explaining beneficial ownership

People who are politically exposed

How to monitor client activities

How to report suspicious activity

  • Respecting client confidentiality
  • Risks of reporting

Regulations and Law Around Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

The European Money Laundering Directives (MLD)

Regulations and laws in different jurisdictions

Laws regarding money laundering and terrorist financing

  • Money laundering offenses
  • Mandatory reporting of suspicious activities

Management Obligations and Risk-Based Approaches to Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

  • Risk-based approaches
  • Putting policies and procedures in place to combat money laundering and terrorist financing
  • How to make sure your policies are compliant
  • Resources
  • Culture

To find out more about the International Compliance Association and the ICA Certificate in Anti-Money Laundering, please go to 

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